
I could have not moved on
That afternoon we drifted apart
When tears flooded our pillows
And wipes littered our bedroom floors
The load was much too heavy
I could have burst out
Like an A-bomb, like supernova
(But anyway, I didn’t)
I held on to our memories
To our photographs and letters
Whose edges cut me open
I let the walls of my room
Embrace the scent you’ve left it
I wanted to feel you still
Because I could have not moved on

I tried to move on
That night you told me you already did
I cried, my pillows won’t take it any longer
And my waste bin choked out the wipes I threw
The load felt like a ton
I could have withered instantly like weed
Like a rag doll, like sand tossed in the wind
(But, anyway, I still didn’t)
I tried to endure holding on
To those damn painful mementos
That bore into me like poison, like hydrochloric acid
Whose sting got me burnt
I let the fire muffle the shouts
Get suffocated by the flames and smoke
I wanted to feel my heart
So I tried to move on

I can not move on
Each morning I long for you
I miss how we slept in one pillow
How we tidied up our floors
The loads of sweets we had
I could have hugged you real hard
Like dear teddy, like a lost lover
(But, anyway, you weren’t here)
The thoughts of us keep me hanging
The strings are still left attached
Whose length spans the years we’ve shared
I let you out, now I want you back
Rushing forth to follow your vanishing trail
I wanted my life again
My love, I could not move on.

I have been waiting for you.

"I'll call you in the morning," you say
Three days has gone and my phone won't ring
Must've been the signal waves, or a network glitch

You tell me you'd be beeping me soon
But eight hours, twenty minutes; not a text at all
Might be busy, might be out somewhere

"We'll be together, not far too soon now."
I've been waiting for months now, and it's not funny
Perhaps a prank, one of those little jokes you have

Everytime, I tell you, "I'll wait."
Though I know you don't take it seriously
But you'll be back, I know you'll be back

And when you do,
You'd see...

I have been waiting for you.

The Second Hour

It’s 2:08 AM
You’ve been asleep three hours since
You should have seen me
Here I sit with my legs crossed
Thinking about you
And how you ever managed
To let your eyelids fall down
When you know I’ve been crying

It’s 2:17 AM
You’re now probably snoring
While I get headaches
And heartaches no narcotics could cure
All because of you
And your truthful lies
Of how you cheated the love
Out of me; and, I was crying

It’s 2:43 AM
Perhaps you’re done with REM
While I watch my eyes sore and swell
For staring so hard at our photo
And the cut it now had along its center
I curse your name in shouts
And I beat my chest like crazy
And I was crying; yes, I was

It’s 2:55 AM
You’re at rest
I’m in hell

Your pills can’t shut me down

Before I Sleep

I wish
We could trim it down
This distance that separates us
Because when I look up
I always wish you’ll shine through

I long
For that day that we won’t look
Too far anymore
Because my nose can touch yours
And my hand has finally found its pair

This space in my bed awaits you
And this blanket on me yearns
For your touch and your embrace
My body searches for our heart

I miss you

So bad I bite my tongue
Every time your face comes into mind
And each time I think of you
I wish you were here

And that you’ll never have to
go away again.