I sketched my name clumsily
Its curves distinctly mine
Then I followed it with yours
And marveled at the sight for a while
I crossed out some letters
Encircled some others
I had my fingers calculate
My pencil tip scratching, checking
Held my breath,
Closed my eyes,
Prayed for my destiny
Hoping it was you
But tragedy loves me
We’re but mere friends
This foolish game says so.

OK is not always enough

Before I met you,
My world spun
I had days and nights
Afternoons and breaks
My heart beat
My blood flowed
My body moved
Flowers bloomed
Others withered
Rain fell
The sun shone
Before I met you,
It was okay.

When I did,
My world spun a little crazier
I had great days and nights
Fun afternoons and breaks
My heart beat faster
My blood flowed easier
My body moved more gracefully
Flowers bloomed prettier
Others died, but most remained
Rain fell hard, yes
But the sun shone a lot brighter
When I did meet you,
It was a lot more than okay.

Before I met you,
I loved my life.
When I did,
I loved it even more.

The Play

One, two, three
Let the balls fly and swirl
Through wisps of air
Around imaginary hoops
Be caught by the play
Of colors dark and deadly
Fast and swift
The ellipsis is perfect
The circles drive me insane

Throw one up
Hurl another
And catch one
When one falls,
Don’t stop, go on
The show is up
‘Cause I’m a juggler
An experienced one

But I don’t wanna be a pro
My wrists, weak
My hands, limp
My palms, tired

I am no circus man.
Ovations need not be done.
I don’t wanna be a circus man.
Juggling isn’t so much fun.